Header Jacqueline Goedmakers

Meet General Board member Jacqueline Goedmakers

With her unique background in both theatre and education, Jacqueline Goedmakers brings a fresh and inspiring energy to the Board. We are delighted to welcome Jacqueline as a new Vebego Foundation Board member. Her passion for making a positive impact on children’s lives fits perfectly with the Foundation’s mission.


Jacqueline is a proud shareholder of Vebego and the youngest sister of Ton and Suzanne Goedmakers. After graduating from secondary school, she opted for a career in musical theatre, performing happily in various theatre productions for many years. Four years ago, she made the switch to teaching and now works as a new entrant in a primary school.


At the Vebego Foundation, Jacqueline will take on the role of general Board member. “After my career in theatre, I consciously decided to work in education because I want to make an impact in children’s lives. So this move to the Foundation feels very natural and valuable,” Jacqueline explains. As a new Board member, she looks forward to developing her role and making a meaningful contribution to the Foundation’s projects.


"I truly hope to make a difference in children’s lives, both on a structural level and by creating small moments of happiness."


Jacqueline has big plans and expectations for her work at the Vebego Foundation. “I truly hope to make a difference in children’s lives, both on a structural level and by creating small moments of happiness,” she says. In addition, she wants to help reduce the stigma of poverty and to help people know how to find the right help resources. “We’re here to help in an accessible way,” Jacqueline stresses.


Jacqueline is excited to start her work with the Vebego Foundation. “Having been involved with Vebego and the Foundation for years, and given my experience as a mother and teacher, I hope to add value. I like to get things done and push forward and I hope that we can soon offer many children a more carefree life,” she enthusiastically shares.


We are thrilled to have Jacqueline join us and look forward to her making a positive impact within the Vebego Foundation.

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