The Vebego Foundation was established in 2005. We initiate, organise and facilitate community projects at home and abroad. Our mission is to work towards a better future for children and young people under 25. We do this with projects that focus on the themes work, care and education. For example, we go on building trips building trips to Morocco or Sri Lanka with our colleagues to literally build a promising future with local organisations. Close to home we help with our strategic partners. And through My Project our employees make a difference through volunteering
With our network of partners and ambassadors, we are working on achieving social impact through various programmes and projects on a daily basis. Together, we are working towards a better tomorrow.
Unser Ziel? Impact. In mehrfacher Hinsicht. Wir von Vebego wollen für unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, für unsere Kunden und für die Gesellschaft von Bedeutung sein. Als Foundation sind wir der starke Partner für andere. Folgen Sie uns auf Facebook, Instagram oder LinkedIn, um über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben!