Donation for a washing machine
Because of the night shifts that Abdel works for Vebego, he has a lot of time during the day for voluntary work. He helps the EsSaJo Foundation to support families who are in need. Poverty makes people so vulnerable', he says. They are often ashamed of it and don't dare ask for help themselves. I am happy if I can mean something for them. That is why I seize an opportunity when it comes along. We had leaflets from the Vebego Foundation on the work floor. When I read that it was possible to request a donation, I did so immediately.’
Helping in different ways
Abdel supports the EsSaJo Foundation in all kinds of different activities. 'For example, a lot of food comes in to EsSaJo, which I then make into packages. Or I sort clothes from the racks. People are allowed to drop by the foundation to pick out something for themselves. Meanwhile, I also help refugees with the Dutch language. We do not have the possibilities to give real lessons, but people come in for a cup of coffee, for example, and then we practise talking. I myself speak Arabic and that is especially useful in contact with Syrian refugees. With others I speak English. Sometimes refugees ask me to interpret, for example when they visit the doctor.’
Insulin supply on the balcony
Abdel also visits people at home to have a chat. There he regularly sees the difficult circumstances in which they live. 'One time I came to a family without a fridge. The mother also had diabetes. Her supply of insulin had to be stored on the balcony or in the neighbour's fridge. Fortunately, we were able to get them a fridge.' in the same way, Abdel found a good use for the donation from the Vebego Foundation: 'I came to a family that had no money for a washing machine. The children did their laundry by hand. I don't think that should be allowed in the Netherlands. That's why I asked for money for a washing machine.’
Indescribable feeling
The foundation was very happy with Abdels' action and immediately bought a washing machine. 'Every donation is welcome. They want to help as many people as possible, but they depend on sponsors", says Abdel enthusiastically. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there when the washing machine was delivered to the family, but later I heard that the children couldn't wait to get it working. I am very grateful for that. The feeling that goes through your heart is indescribable.’ Do you work for one of the Vebego companies and do you also have a project that deserves a financial contribution?
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